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Woodland Park, CO- Woodland Park Chapter Banquet

Woodland Park, CO- Woodland Park Chapter Banquet
Free - $1,000
insert_invitation Sat, Apr 5 at 4:30 PM (MDT)
location_on Shining Mountain Golf Course, Woodland Park, Colorado
local_activity Sponsor Table
Dinner for Eight - 4 Annual Memberships - Advertising at event - Each table member will be entered into a Special Firearm Raffle.
local_activity Single Ticket
Dinner for One - 1 Annual Membership
local_activity Couple Ticket
Dinner for Two - 2 Annual Memberships
local_activity MDF Annual Regular Membership Only (DOES NOT include entry to event)
MDF Annual Membership includes: One-year subscription to MDF member magazine, MDF membership card, MDF member decal, special members-only discounts from industry partners, and \invitations to your local MDF chapter events.
local_activity MDF Annual Sponsor Membership Only (DOES NOT include entry to event)
MDF Sponsor membership includes: One-year subscription to MDF member magazine, MDF membership card, MDF Sponsor member decal, Annual MDF Sponsor gift, special members-only discounts from industry partners, invitations to your local MDF chapter events.
local_activity MDF Lifetime Membership Only (DOES NOT include entry to event)
MDF Lifetime Membership includes: Lifetime MDF membership card, MDF Life Member decal, Life Member plaque, Life Member pin, special members-only discounts from industry partners, invitations to your local MDF chapter events.
local_activity Life Member Meal Only
Life Membership must be confirmed at event.
local_activity Early Raffle Ticket Package
"Receive general raffle tickets valued at $100 for this early bird price. This package will not be available at the event at this price. (Payment will be made at event in accordance with Colorado gaming laws.)"
Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ campaign.name }}
Visit fundraiser page to {{ campaign.ctaLabel.toLowerCase() }} Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ item.name }}
Map of Shining Mountain Golf Course
{{ directions }}
Shining Mountain Golf Course
100 Shining Moutain Ln
Woodland Park, Colorado 80863

Get ready for an evening filled with fun, food, and fantastic prizes—all in support of mule deer conservation! Enjoy a delicious dinner, lively auctions, and raffles featuring incredible outdoor gear, hunting equipment, and more. This is a perfect opportunity to connect with fellow outdoor enthusiasts, celebrate our shared passion for wildlife, and support efforts to enhance mule deer habitat in Colorado.

Whether you're a longtime supporter or new to the cause, we’d love to have you join us for this special event. Let’s make a difference together for mule deer and the landscapes they call home.

We can’t wait to see you there!

Regional Director: Eric Martinez 303-809-1072 or ericm@muledeer.org

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Map of Shining Mountain Golf Course
{{ directions }}
Shining Mountain Golf Course
100 Shining Moutain Ln
Woodland Park, Colorado 80863