Odessa, TX - Permian Basin Chapter Banquet
The Permian Basin Texas
Chapter of the MDF will be hosting the Annual
Fund-Raising Banquet to benefit the mule deer. This year’s event will be held at the Odessa
Country Club in Odessa Texas.
The committee of the Permian
Basin Texas Chapter would like to extend a personal invitation to each of you
to attend this banquet. Those attending
will enjoy dinner and an evening of fun and excitement with several raffles, games,
and a live and silent auction. Items on
the auction this year will include (subject to change):
Several hunts
Exclusive Dove Hunt in Argentina
Trophy White Tail and Exotic hunt In Texas
A ten-day African Safari for Four hunters
And many more …
- Guns including the MDF
Texas Gun of the Year and many more … approximately
1 gun per 10 attendees will either be sold or raffled at the banquet!
- Limited edition artwork
So please try to attend this year’s event and help make it a success! You might win or buy something special and you will be helping to raise much needed funds to support the efforts of the MDF!