MDF & TAC Social at Solitude Mountain Resort
Mule Deer Foundation & Total Archery Challenge Saturday Night Social. Powered by Badass Outdoor Gear/Badass Archery. We are here to comfort you after you’ve been hiking and shooting all day. We will have a dinner for all, a Live Band, Raffles, Games, a Short Film, and a bar! Don't waste your time running to the city for fun, we have it all right here! Come and support our mission for the conservation of mule deer, black-tailed deer, and their habitat! MDF UT funded 1.9 million in Fiscal 2024 and 2.2 million in Fiscal 2025 in mule deer habitat, studies, collaring, and migration corridors. Help us spread the word and join us for one hell of a party! You must RSVP for entrance, 2 ticket packages, FREE, and $50!!!
Regional Director: Jeremy Anderson 801-471-8254 or jeremy@muledeer.org