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Lancaster, CA- Antelope Valley Chapter Banquet

Lancaster, CA- Antelope Valley Chapter Banquet
Free - $5,000
insert_invitation Sat, Jun 7 at 5:00 PM (PDT)
location_on AV Fair & Event Center , Lancaster, California
folder_special TROPHY BUCK TABLE
8 meals, 8 MDF memberships, 4 mentions at event, $500 in general raffle tickets, 110 QT MDF custom cooler with level 4 refreshments package. 1 sponsorship advertisement banner at event. A Berga HMR Ridge Wilderness rifle chambered in caliber of choice
local_activity 4X4 WITH EYE GUARDS TABLE
8 meals, 8 MDF memberships, 3 mentions at the event, $500 in general raffle tickets, 50qt Qt cooler with level 3 refreshments package.
folder_special BIG OLE 3X3 TABLE
8 meals ,8 MDF memberships, 2 mentions at the event, $300 ingeneral raffle tickets, 25 QT cooler with level 2 refreshments package.
folder_special FORKED HORNED TABLE
8 meals, 8 MDF Memberships, 1 mention at event, $100 in general raffle tickets, small cooler with level 1 refreshments package.
folder_special COUPLES TICKET
2 Dinner Ticket and 1 MDF Membership.
local_activity SINGLES TICKET
Single ticket $90 includes meal, 1 MDF membership.
local_activity YOUTH TICKET
1 Meal Ticket and 1 Youth Raffle Ticket.
1 Dinner Ticket!
local_activity $500 Presale Raffle Package *Reserve*
$800 General Raffle Tickets 6-$100 Progressive, Tickets, 4-$300 Progressive Tickets, 2 $500 Progressive Tickets. *Due to state laws raffle tickets will be paid for at the event*
local_activity $300 Presale Raffle Package *reserved*
$500 General Raffle Tickets 4-$100 Progressive Tickets and 3-$ 300 Progressive Tickets. *Due to state laws raffle tickets will be paid for at the event*
local_activity $100 Presale Raffle Package
$160 General Raffle Ticket & 3-$100 Progressive tickets. *Due to state laws raffle tickets will be paid for at the event*
Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ campaign.name }}
Visit fundraiser page to {{ campaign.ctaLabel.toLowerCase() }} Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ item.name }}
Map of AV Fair & Event Center
{{ directions }}
AV Fair & Event Center
2551 W Avenue H
Lancaster, California 93536

The Antelope Valley Chapter of the Mule Deer Foundation invites you to our 1st Annual Banquet on Saturday, June 7th, 2025, at AV FAIRGROUNDS EVENT CENTER in Lancaster, CA. Doors open at 4PM with dinner served at 6 PM. Along with some great food and the opportunity to learn more about what our organizations have to offer you!! We will be having raffles, games, ladies raffle, Veteran & Youth Raffle!! as well a silent and live auction and more! Join us for the opportunity to go home with some fantastic merchandise from brands like Christensen Arms, Vortex, Quigley-Ford and More! Online ticket purchase is highly encouraged. Learn more about our available packages and purchase your tickets at the link below! ALL INDIVIDUALS WHO PURCHASE THEIR EARLY BIRD TICKETS PACKS BEFORE MAY 20TH!!! WILL BE ENTERED IN A DRAWING FOR A CHANCE AT $100, $300 OR $500 GENERAL RAFFLE TICKETS AT THE EVENT! ALSO, A 2025 California Open Zone Deer Tag AVALIABLE AT THE LIVE AUCTION THAT EVENING! 

Regional Director: Frank Gaither 707-772-6838 Or fgaither@muledeer.org

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{{ item.quantity }}


Map of AV Fair & Event Center
{{ directions }}
AV Fair & Event Center
2551 W Avenue H
Lancaster, California 93536