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Kodiak, AK- Kodiak Blacktail Chapter Banquet

Kodiak, AK- Kodiak Blacktail Chapter Banquet
$30 - $150
insert_invitation Sat, May 3 at 5:00 PM (AKDT)
location_on Kodiak Elks Lodge, Kodiak, Alaska
local_activity Single Ticket w/Membership
Includes one meal & one membership
folder_special Couples Ticket w/Membership
Includes two meals & one membership.
folder_special Couples Ticket w/ Two Memberships
Includes two meals & two memberships.
local_activity 12 and under
Includes one meal!
Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ campaign.name }}
Visit fundraiser page to {{ campaign.ctaLabel.toLowerCase() }} Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ item.name }}
Map of Kodiak Elks Lodge
{{ directions }}
Kodiak Elks Lodge
102 West Marine Way
Kodiak, Alaska 99615
Your Invited to the FIRST BLACKTAIL DEER FOUNDATION BANQUET in Alaska!  The Kodiak Blacktail Chapter will be hosting their 1st annual banquet on Saturday May 3rd at the Elks Lodge in Kodiak.  Doors will open at 5PM with a no-host social, raffles and silent auction.  6:30PM dinner followed by an exciting live auction.  Special table packages are available as well as single and couples banquet tickets.  Proceeds from the event will be allocated toward Alaska black-tailed deer habitat projects and the black-tailed deer study on Afognak and Kodiak.
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Map of Kodiak Elks Lodge
{{ directions }}
Kodiak Elks Lodge
102 West Marine Way
Kodiak, Alaska 99615