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Glasgow, MT- Border Breaks Muleys Banquet

Glasgow, MT- Border Breaks Muleys Banquet
Free - $1,600
insert_invitation Thu, Apr 3 at 5:00 PM (MDT)
location_on The Cottonwood Inn, Glasgow, Montana
local_activity Non-Typical Table
Includes 8 Dinners, up to 8 MDF Annual Memberships with Magazine Subscription, 1 MDF Sponsor Membership w Sponsor Hat, Gift, Magazine and 2 Chances at a Sponsor Gun (min of 5 Sponsors), $200 General Raffle Tickets (No Bonus) 8 MDF Hats, PLUS 1 Prize Choice off Silver Gun Board.
local_activity Basic Sponsor Table
Includes 8 Dinners, up to 8 MDF Annual Memberships with Magazine Subscription, 1 MDF Sponsor Membership w Sponsor Hat, Gift, Magazine and 1 Chances at a Sponsor Gun (min of 5 Sponsors).
local_activity Sponsor Couple's Ticket
Includes 2 Dinners and 1 MDF Annual Sponsor Membership w Sponsor Hat, Gift, Magazine and 1 Chance at Sponsor Gun (min of 5 Sponsors).
local_activity 2-Point Package
Includes 2 Dinners and 1 MDF Annual Membership w Magazine Subscription.
local_activity Singles Package
Includes 1 dinner and 1 MDF Annual Membership w Magazine Subscription.
local_activity Youth Dinner Tickets
Includes 1 Youth Dinner (age 12 & under)
local_activity Early Bird Raffle Package #1
$120 General Raffle Tickets PLUS 1 Bonus Gun Ticket for $75 each. Reserve # of pkgs here and pay for at the door with Check,Cash or Debit Card. No credit cards allowed due to state gaming laws.
local_activity Early Bird Raffle Package #2
$600 General Raffle Tickets PLUS 10 Bonus Gun Tickets for $400 each. Reserve # of pkgs here and pay for at the door with check, cash or debit card. No credit cards allowed due to state gaming laws.
Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ campaign.name }}
Visit fundraiser page to {{ campaign.ctaLabel.toLowerCase() }} Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ item.name }}
Map of The Cottonwood Inn
{{ directions }}
The Cottonwood Inn
54250 US-2
Glasgow, Montana 59230
Glasgow, MT- Border Breaks Muleys Banquet
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{{ item.performanceName }}: {{ item.name }}
{{ item.sectionName }} {{ item.seatName }}
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{{ item.quantity }}


Map of The Cottonwood Inn
{{ directions }}
The Cottonwood Inn
54250 US-2
Glasgow, Montana 59230