Fallon, NV - Vets and Bucks Event
Fallon, NV - Vets and Bucks Event
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
This event ended
Sat, Nov 23 - 10:30 PM
Sold Out
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The Vets & Buck Event of the Mule Deer Foundation & A-Z Foundation Group invites you to our 1st annual Banquet on Saturday, August 17th at William N. Pennington in Fallon, NV. Doors open at 5PM with dinner served at 7PM. Along with some great food and the opportunity to learn more about what our organizations have to off you we will be having raffles, games, ladies raffle, Veteran & Youth Raffle!! as well a silent and live auction and more! Join us for the opportunity to go home with some fantastic merchandise from brands like Christensen Arms, Vortex, Quigley-Ford and More! Online ticket purchase is highly encouraged. Learn more about our available packages and purchase your tickets at the link below! ALL INDIVIDUALS WHO PURCHASE THEIR EARLY BIRD TICKETS PACKS BEFORE NOVEMBER 1st WILL BE ENTERED IN A DRAWING FOR A CHANCE AT $100, $300 OR $500 RAFFLE PACKAGE AT THE EVENT!
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