Dillon, MT- Beaverhead Chapter Banquet
Dillon, MT- Beaverhead Chapter Banquet
Free - $1,600
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
Sold Out
Includes 8 Dinners, up to 8 MDF Annual Memberships w Magazine Subscription, 1 MDF Annual Sponsor Membership W Sponsor Hat, Gift and Magazine, 3 Chances at Sponsor Gun (Min of 5 Sponsors), $400 General Raffle Tickets (NO Bonus Tickets) 8 MDF Hats PLUS 1 Prize Choice off Silver Gun Board.
Includes 8 Dinners, up to 8 MDF Annual Memberships w Magazine Subscription, 1 MDF Annual Sponsor Membership w Sponsor Hat, Gift and Magazine, 2 Chances at Sponsor Gun (min of 5 Sponsors), $200 General Raffle Tickets (NO Bonus Tickets).
Includes 2 Dinners and 1 MDF Annual Sponsor Membership W Sponsor Hat, Gift and 1 Chance at Sponsor Gun (min of 5 Sponsors).
include 2 Dinners and 1 MDF Annual Membership w Magazine Subscription.
Includes 1 Dinner and 1 MDF Annual Membership w Magazine Subscription.
Includes 1 Youth Dinner (age 12 & under).
Includes $120 General Raffle Tickets PLUS 1 Bonus Gun Ticket, for $80 each. Reserve how many pkgs you like and pay at the door with check, cash or Debit Card (NO Credit Cards allowed due to state gaming laws).
Includes $600 General Raffle Tickets plus 10 BONUS Gun Tickets for $450. Reserve how many pkgs you like and pay for at the door with check, cash or Debit Card (NO Credit Cards allowed due to state gaming laws)
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