Clackamas, OR - Northern Oregon Chapter Banquet
Join us for the North Oregon Chapters 2023 Spring Banquet, a lively and fun event, where the Mule Deer Foundation will be hosting a live and silent auction as well as a raffles and games to help raise awareness for MDF and what we do!
Table Sales
We will be offering tables at this year’s event. The selling price will the same as last year. For our Golden Sponsor the price will be $1100.00. The Chapter Table will be $600.00.
Details for both will be provided on the Reservation Form.
Measure 114
Due to the passage of Measure 114 there may be some delays in transferring any rifle or shotgun that you win at the banquet. More details will be made available in the future.
Order your banquet tickets early. Don’t wait until a week before the banquet or come to the door expecting to purchase tickets. The banuet may be sold out and we may not be able to seat you. BUY EARLY!
We NEED YOUR HELP at the Banquet. If you are able to help by donating items to the committee or finding donations from businesses in the area, we would be most grateful. If you can come to the banquet early, we can find jobs for you setting things up. Call Dave.