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Cashmere, WA- North Central WA Chapter Banquet

Cashmere, WA- North Central WA Chapter Banquet
$45 - $1,300
insert_invitation Sat, Apr 19 at 5:00 PM (PDT)
location_on Chelan County Fair Expo Center, Cashmere, Washington
folder_special Silver Table
Includes eight meals, eight memberships, 1 item pick from the Silver Banner and $200 in raffle tickets.
folder_special Couple Sponsor
Two Meals, One MDF Sponsor Membership, Sponsor Decal, MDF Sponsor Gift.
local_activity Single Sponsor Membership
One Meal, One MDF Sponsor Membership, Sponsor Decal, MDF Sponsor Gift.
folder_special Couple with Raffle Tickets
Includes two meals, one membership and $100 in General Raffle Tickets.
local_activity Single with Raffle Tickets
Includes one meal, one membership and $100 in General Raffle Tickets.
folder_special Couple Package
Includes two meals, one membership.
local_activity Singles Package
Includes one meal, one membership.
local_activity Dinner Only for Life Members and Youth 10 to 17
Includes one meal, youth under 10 Free.
Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ campaign.name }}
Visit fundraiser page to {{ campaign.ctaLabel.toLowerCase() }} Visit Fundraiser Page
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Map of Chelan County Fair Expo Center
{{ directions }}
Chelan County Fair Expo Center
5700 Wescott Dr
Cashmere, Washington 98815
North Central Washington Chapter of the Mule Deer Foundation Annual Banquet and Auction. The event takes place on April 19, 2025, at the Chelan County Fair Grounds in the Expo Event Center. The event boasts a night of good food, games, prizes, and raffles, with all the proceeds going towards their conservation efforts in the state of Washington. Dinner will be provided by Riverside Catering and will feature Smoked Tri Tip and Citrus Herbed Chicken. Doors open at 5 pm with limited seating. 
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{{ item.performanceName }}: {{ item.name }}
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{{ item.quantity }}


Map of Chelan County Fair Expo Center
{{ directions }}
Chelan County Fair Expo Center
5700 Wescott Dr
Cashmere, Washington 98815