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Brandon, SD- Dakota Gray Ghost Chapter Banquet

Brandon, SD- Dakota Gray Ghost Chapter Banquet
$20 - $2,500
insert_invitation Fri, Apr 4 at 5:30 PM (CDT)
location_on Holiday Inn Express & Suites, Brandon, South Dakota
local_activity King of the Herd, Platinum
Platinum Level Gun, Beer and Wine, 8 memberships, 8 Meals, VIP MDF Gear.
local_activity Gold
Gold Level Gun, 8 memberships, 8 Meals.
local_activity Silver
Silver Level Gun, 8 memberships, 8 Meals.
local_activity Bronze
Bronze Level Gun, 8 memberships, 8 Meals, 8 Hats.
local_activity Reserved
Reserved table for 8, 8 meals 8 memberships
local_activity Couple
Couples Meal and memberships.
local_activity Single
Single Membership and membership..
local_activity Sponsor
For every 5 Sponsors sold a sponsor level gun will be drawn, Includes Couples Membership and Meals.
local_activity Youth
Youth Meal.
local_activity $20 Pre Banquet Raffle(1 ticket)
Pre Banquet Prizes: 6.8 Western x-Bolt Max LR, Ruger 10.22, Outdoor Edge Guide Knife Set.
local_activity $50 Pre Banquet Raffle (3 Tickets)
Pre Banquet Prizes: 6.8 Western x-Bolt Max LR, Ruger 10.22, Outdoor Edge Guide Knife Set.
local_activity $100 Pre Banquet Raffle (7 Tickets)
Pre Banquet Prizes: 6.8 Western x-Bolt Max LR, Ruger 10.22, Outdoor Edge Guide Knife Set
local_activity $20 Raffle
1 Ticket Strip (5) no bonus tickets.
local_activity $50 Raffle
3 Ticket Strips ($60 Value) 1 bonus Ticket.
local_activity $100 Raffle
6 Ticket Strips ( $120 Value) 3 bonus Tickets.
local_activity $200 Raffle
12 Ticket Strips ($240 Value) 7 bonus tickets.
local_activity $300 Raffle
18 Ticket Strips ($360 Value) 12 Bonus Tickets.
local_activity $500 Raffle
30 Ticket Strips, 1-.22 Silencer from Silencer Central and 21 Bonus Tickets ($1000 Value).
local_activity Early Bird Couple
Sales ended
Couples Meal and membership.
local_activity Early Bird Single
Sales ended
Single Membership and membership.
Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ campaign.name }}
Visit fundraiser page to {{ campaign.ctaLabel.toLowerCase() }} Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ item.name }}
Map of Holiday Inn Express & Suites
{{ directions }}
Holiday Inn Express & Suites
1103 N. Splitrock Blvd
Brandon, South Dakota 57005
Join the Gray Ghost chapter of the Mule Deer Foundation for the bigger and better-than-ever annual banquet. Incredible prizes and fun games for the whole family all while supporting mule deer and critical wildlife habitat improvement in South Dakota. Early bird pricing is now through March 30th, 2025. Don't forget to get your pre-banquet raffle tickets before they are gone!
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{{ item.performanceName }}: {{ item.name }}
{{ item.sectionName }} {{ item.seatName }}
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{{ formatPrice(item.price) }}
{{ item.quantity }}


Map of Holiday Inn Express & Suites
{{ directions }}
Holiday Inn Express & Suites
1103 N. Splitrock Blvd
Brandon, South Dakota 57005